Welcome to K-1, Brimfield's Green Kindergarten Classroom

Welcome to K-1 2010-2011! Here you will find our whole classroom in one place. Feel free to email me with questions, comments or concerns at nicole.ryan@fieldlocalschools.org

Classroom information is located on the left, the classroom blog (a place where I will send you messages that you can respond to and discuss) is located on the right. If you would like to search old posts, you can use the google search bar on this page.

Friday, January 7, 2011

New Year-Great Start

Wow! We are already at the half way mark!! It was nice to get a little break but I sure did miss the little ones!  I was so energetic the first day back and was hoping to be greeted by the same...but they came in so sleepy! Almost all of them had bags under their eyes and they were so quiet!  Everyone must have had a busy break ;)  I will have to say though, they were on top of it this whole week! The learning was so efficient.  We are like a well oiled machine now!  I love this part of the year when we all know the routine, we are all comfortable with each other and we can get so much done :)  I am seeing so many strides in our learning.  Here are my questions for discussion...
1. What growths are you seeing in your child?
2. Are you surprised by anything they are able to do?
3. Is there anything lacking that you think they need more practice in?