Welcome to K-1, Brimfield's Green Kindergarten Classroom

Welcome to K-1 2010-2011! Here you will find our whole classroom in one place. Feel free to email me with questions, comments or concerns at nicole.ryan@fieldlocalschools.org

Classroom information is located on the left, the classroom blog (a place where I will send you messages that you can respond to and discuss) is located on the right. If you would like to search old posts, you can use the google search bar on this page.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Welcome :)

Welcome to Kindergarten (kids and parents!)  What an exciting year this will be for you and your child!  This is the year that prepares children for life long learning.  Be sure to become involved as much as you can so your child will learn from your enthusiasm and want to do their best!  To help us all get acquainted, I would like you to answer some of the following questions and I will do the same.  Feel free to respond to other posts made by parents so we can start becoming a family :)
1.  What is your name (primary blogger/bloggers).
2.  Tell us a little about your family make-up and your family's background and what your family likes to do for fun.
3.  Is this your families first experience with Kindergarten?  If so, how are you feeling?  Any fears/concerns? If not, what was your favorite part of Kindergarten with your other child/ren?  Any advice for the newbies?
4.  What do you hope your child learns this year?
5.  What questions do you have about the way this year will go?

I am so excited to get to know all of your families.  This year is going to be a blast!