Welcome to K-1, Brimfield's Green Kindergarten Classroom

Welcome to K-1 2010-2011! Here you will find our whole classroom in one place. Feel free to email me with questions, comments or concerns at nicole.ryan@fieldlocalschools.org

Classroom information is located on the left, the classroom blog (a place where I will send you messages that you can respond to and discuss) is located on the right. If you would like to search old posts, you can use the google search bar on this page.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Welcome :)

Welcome to Kindergarten (kids and parents!)  What an exciting year this will be for you and your child!  This is the year that prepares children for life long learning.  Be sure to become involved as much as you can so your child will learn from your enthusiasm and want to do their best!  To help us all get acquainted, I would like you to answer some of the following questions and I will do the same.  Feel free to respond to other posts made by parents so we can start becoming a family :)
1.  What is your name (primary blogger/bloggers).
2.  Tell us a little about your family make-up and your family's background and what your family likes to do for fun.
3.  Is this your families first experience with Kindergarten?  If so, how are you feeling?  Any fears/concerns? If not, what was your favorite part of Kindergarten with your other child/ren?  Any advice for the newbies?
4.  What do you hope your child learns this year?
5.  What questions do you have about the way this year will go?

I am so excited to get to know all of your families.  This year is going to be a blast!


  1. Ok, I'll get us started. My name is Nikki Bable and I am 26 years old. I live in Mogadore with two of my best friends. I am currently going through a divorce so you may see/hear my name as Mrs. Ryan but I am transitioning back to Ms. Bable. Please call me Nikki :) For fun I like spending time with my loved ones, being outdoors biking, walking or kayaking, shopping, crocheting, and working with animals. This is not my first experience with Kindergarten. I taught at Brimfield last year and before that I subbed full time for 2 years and before that I taught in a few different preschools.
    My favorite part about Kindergarten was watching my students develop into little readers! I remember the day when they sounded out "chipmunks" together as a class and said "Look Mrs. Ryan, there is a digraph in that word!! See..ch is two letters that make a new sound..a digraph!" Melted my heart :)
    New parents: My advice to you (as a teacher) is to enjoy every second of this year because next year, they will be "big kids"..and the homework gets harder ;)
    I hope your children learn not only the fun academic stuff, but also the important character building skills. I promise to be a good moral example for your child and help them grow socially as well as academically.

  2. Hi! My name is Dana Allen. I am married to Brad and we have 3 children - Cohen (2), Taryn (3), and Brady (5). We also have 2 large dogs and 4 cats so we fondly refer to ourselves as the Allen Zoo, because most of the time that is what it's like in our house. Friends are always coming and going and sometimes I have to count everyone to make sure they're all still here! I used to work for the University of Akron as a grant coordinator before I quit when my 2nd child was born to be a stay at home mom. It was a difficult transition for me, but now I treasure the time with my kids more than I ever thought I could. My husband is a medical sales rep. For fun I like to play sand volleyball, play euchre, cook, walk, run, go hiking with the kids, and just stay active. We love hanging out together playing in the backyard and having movie night on the weekends.

    Brady is our first kiddo in kindergarten so I was a little apprehensive for him to leave the nest. So far he seems to like riding the bus and going to school, but really dislikes getting up in the morning. I wish I could be a fly on the wall while he is in school because he always "forgets" what he did at school every day. I love and I hate that he is growing up!

    I am hoping that Brady will improve his writing/drawing skills this year, become interested in reading, and improve his ability to focus on a task. I loved school when I was his age and I'm hoping that he can catch on to everything and develop a love of learning. Right now he is the typical boy that is all about play play play! Even in these few short weeks of school, it has already been rewarding as a parent to see his little accomplishments and all the things he has learned. I am really looking forward to watching him grow as a person, learn new skills, and build confidence in his abilities this year!

  3. My name is Deb Balan. My husband Chris and I have lived in Brimfield for 9 years and we have three kids, Griffin (9), Parker (6) and Ryleigh Mae (4).
    I grew up on a small farm in Southern Ohio and my husband is from Solon, we love Brimfield and are glad to be living here. We enjoy hiking, gardening, baseball, cub scouts (Chris is the den leader for Griffin's group and the pack Assistant Cubmaster), and working around the house. Our current family project we are building is a chicken coop.

    Parker is our second son in kindergarten. He is a laid back kind of guy and I am feeling great about how he is doing so far. I think we are all blessed to have Ms. Bable as our teacher and advice that I have is to do the work needed at home. It really takes a village and kids can't just learn at school - they need to read, read, read at home and be given encouragement to write too.

    I hope Parker learns to have fun and make friends this year. He is already a studious kid and in addition to learning more I would like to see him grow socially.

  4. Oh these are so fun to read! I am glad you guys got the email...I was afraid I did it wrong last night. Sorry if you got more than one! Keep writing! I am loving this :)

  5. Hello! Laura Wilde, Cassie's Mom (even though I like to think of it as Cassandra's Mom, she would argue differently). My husband, Brian, and I have been married for 10 years and have lived in Suffield for same amount of time. Yes, we are in Suffield but I guess because of the bus lines we get to go to Brimfield. Along with Cassie (5) we have another daughter Gwyneth (Almost 8)who is in 2nd grade with Mrs. Luchka. As a family we enjoy hiking, geocaching, family movie night, campfires in the backyard and any type of games whether it be basketball in the driveway or Uno at the kitchen table. Both girls are playing soccer this year which makes after school a challenge but we know it is worth the hassles.

    This is not our first experience with Kindergarten as Gwyn went to Central and had Mrs. Jones. She was an exceptional teacher (as I am sure you are too Ms. Bable :-)) and we had a wonderful experience. Our favorite part of Kindergarten was watching the amazing progress in the "journal" Gwyn brought home. To see her go from pictures to sentences by the end of year was amazing. My advice... 1)Help Ms. Bable however you can. She's on our team and we all have to be playing the same game to win. 2)Like Debbie said... read, read, read, encourage them to write and have "adult" conversations with them.

    I hope Cassie learns to become a better reader/writer, to make new friends, and have the opportunity to establish her own image as I'm sure it is hard to have an older sister sometimes.

  6. My name is Lisa Monk. My husband and I have two children, Emma (6) and Nathan (8). Tim is a Civil Engineer and I teach 10th grade biology at Barberton High School. Teaching is my second career as I was a marine biologist for several years until having children was more important than traveling and diving. I think I made a great choice!

    Nathan is in the 3rd grade and excited to be attending the Field Academy of Creative Arts. This is Emma's second go around with kindergarten as we felt she just was not mature enough to tackle 1st grade. She spent the majority of her time in the resource room last year, primarily due to refusal to work or follow rules. We are very excited for Emma to be in Ms. Bable's room and she is loving it! We hope the success continues and she gets to stay in the classroom for the year - Emma REALLY enjoys the class!

    We hope to have her reading on her own by the end of the year!! I read constantly and my son has picked up on this habit too. Emma loves to be read to but has yet to gain the confidence she needs to be an active reader. She is very excited about her book "treasure box" and we make it a very special treat for mom and dad for her to read us a book from the box each night.

  7. Hi my name is Kelly Poluga. My husband Adam and I have two children, Tyler(5) and Lucas (22mo). I am an activity director for CYO Adult daycare in Akron. I have worked there for 12 years and I love it. Both my husband and I went to Kent State University so we have lived in this area for quite awhile.

    Tyler is our first child, so we were excited and nervous when it was time for him to begin kindergarten. He loves it and looks forward to school every day. We hope he continues to be this excited throughout the year. We are happy to see Tyler growing both socially and academically.

  8. Hello everyone! My name is Annie Schauffler, Clara's mom. My husband Todd and I moved to Brimfield a little over 2 years ago. Clara is our only child at the moment until her little brother arrives next month! We have a dog, a cat and 3 fish. Clara really loves her fish! My husband works in the Information Technology field and I work as a victim advocate. We love the summer weekends being on the boat swimming and grilling hot dogs! Clara enjoys her tap and gymnastics classes.

    This is our first experience with kindergarten. This was very big step in both her life and ours. I think the transition was harder for us than for her. She seems to be liking school and she really likes Twinkle!!! She has had two big transitions to overcome so far; going to school all day and getting glasses, but so far so good! She does tell us she is not a fan of recess but I guess that is okay since she likes music class!

    I would like to see Clara make some new friends and enjoy her education along with having fun at recess. She has always enjoyed learning and I just hope she continues!

  9. Thank you everyone for sharing! I loved reading those. If anyone else joins and would like to add your intro please do so :)

  10. Hello everyone my name is Evie and I am Christina's mom. My husband's name is George and we have been married for 14 years. Christina has an older brother named Simon and he is in the 7th grade. Christina is very excited to be in school now and considers herself a "big girl". I hope this year is full of exciting times and new adventures. I can't wait for Christina to start reading on her own.

  11. Thanks for sharing Evie :)

    Can I just say I have the best class this year!! I thought I would be lost with out my kids from last year but your children are my reason for getting up each morning. Every single one of them :)

  12. Hey Everyone! My name is Heather. I am Haeleigh Noel's mom. Her dad (Rodney) and I have been a part of Brimfield for the last 4 yrs. We have 3 kids. Ethan (11yrs and in 6th grade), Haeleigh (5yrs and in Kindergarten) and Matthew (3yrs). We have 2 dogs and 3 cats and some hamsters. For fun, we love to watch movies or cartoons together. We love to watch Ethan play soccer, and just doing things as a family. Because of my job... there are times when I am out working for the full 24 hour shift, up to 3 days a week... So any family time I can get with Rodney and the kids, I cherish very much! We have gone through the kindergarten thing before with Ethan..... But with every child it is very different! Haeleigh is soo excited to learn how to read and play with her friends everyday and we are very excited for her as well. We are the same way with regards to love and hating to see our children grow up.... Time just flys by. So thank you to Ms. Bable For helping all of us parents and our special gifts to get through these tuff milestones!!!


Please keep all comments appropriate and friendly. If you have private concerns, please contact me via nicole.bable@fieldlocalschools.org :)

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.