Welcome to K-1, Brimfield's Green Kindergarten Classroom

Welcome to K-1 2010-2011! Here you will find our whole classroom in one place. Feel free to email me with questions, comments or concerns at nicole.ryan@fieldlocalschools.org

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Sunday, September 19, 2010

Wilson Reading

I have sent home 2 packets of information to read so far about Wilson.  What does everyone think of it so far?  Is it do-able at home?  Is your child talking to you about what we do in class yet?  Wilson is a whole phonics program that will have your child reading and writing very soon :)  We spend 30 minutes everyday working with these materials.  We learn 2 new letters a week and we practice their sounds, the way you write them, and how to join them together to make words.  So far we have only done t,b, and f.  


  1. This week we are learning m and n. I am sending home flash cards tomorrow (they were supposed to go home last week but they got into a fight with my coffee cup!) When you are practicing these cards at home it is important to do it the same way we do in class. You say the letter, then the picture cue, then the sound the letter makes. For M it is "m, man, /m/" Whenever you see my put a letter inside slashes that is where you say the sound. Make sure when you help your child say the sound, that you don't add a vowel sound to the letter. An example would be when a lot of people learn the sound for "t" they say /ta/ or /tu/. This makes it harder for children to sound out words. So you just make that short /t/ sound. It takes some practice! Let me know if you have any other questions!!

  2. I like this program - I had a hard time teaching Brady letter sounds this summer but he already knew the flashcards when he brought them home and even corrected me - "it's not /fa/ mom, it's /f/." This is obviously a learning process for me as well! After working with him this summer, I really thought he was going to have a hard time learning letter sounds/beginning reading, but now I see him making major progress. He's is willing to sit and read his books and do the flashcards at night so that is a victory as well! He still doesn't like to talk much about what he's doing in school so it is still frustrating for me because I want to know EVERYTHING!


Please keep all comments appropriate and friendly. If you have private concerns, please contact me via nicole.bable@fieldlocalschools.org :)

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